Terms and Conditions for AME Practical Training.
Birmingham Aeromedical Centre (BAeMC) is run by Aeromedical Consulting UK (AMCUK) and is a UK CAA and an EASA approved Aeromedical Centre (AeMC).
Birmingham AeMC is approved by the UK CAA undertake mandatory practical training of doctors in support of their certification as an Aeromedical Examiner (AME).
AMEs are doctors with specialist aviation medicine training. They are certificated by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to carry out aircrew and Air Traffic Controller (ATCO) medical examinations and to give aviation medicine advice, as necessary.
The CAA has outlined its criteria for AME approval which can be found here: https://www.caa.co.uk/aeromedical-examiners/certification-training-and-policy/guidance-on-ame-certification/
The final stage is to for the aspiring AME to complete 5 days of Mandatory Training at an AeMC before AME approval can be granted. Before arranging this training, the AME MUST obtain a confirmatory letter from the CAA and attach send this to Birmingham AeMC when they schedule training.
The 5 days of training DO NOT necessarily have to be done over consecutive days but should ideally be completed within one month.
CAA Acceptance Criteria for AME Training
1. The AME shall have satisfied themselves prior to booking and attending their training that they are compliant with the UK CAA's conditions relating to AME Aeromedical Examiner Certification that can be found here: https://www.caa.co.uk/aeromedical-examiners/certification-training-and-policy/guidance-on-ame-certification/
Scheduling AME Training
2. To schedule training, the AME is required to pay the full cost of the cost of the day of training. A full VAT receipt will be provided upon booking.
3. When the AME schedules training, AMCUK shall send an email to the applicant confirming the appointment details.
4. The AME shall provide proof of ID on the day of training. Failure to provide a valid passport may render the AME ineligible for training.
Cancellations and Appointment Changes
5. The AME can amend or cancel their appointment up to 14 days before their scheduled training day without penalty by clicking on the Cancel / Change Appointment tab contained in their appointment confirmation email. They shall be refunded in full for cancellations up to 14 days before the appointment.
6. The AME cannot amend or cancel their appointment with less than14 days to go before their appointment. The AME will not be refunded if they request a cancellation or a training day change with less than 14 days to go before the appointment.
7. If the AME does not attend their appointment and does not give any notice (‘no show’), AMCUK shall invoice for the full fee of the medical.
8. In exceptional circumstances, AMCUK may cancel or change an AME’s appointment including at short notice. The AME shall always be informed first and every attempt shall be made to give sufficient notice. AMCUK shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the AME, direct or indirect, as a consequence of AMCUK cancelling or amending their appointment. The AME shall be entitled to a full refund if the cancellation or appointment change is not acceptable to them.
Issuing Certificates of Completion of Training
9. Upon completion of the mandatory period of training, AMCUK shall issue a certificate of completion of training to the AME.
Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions
10. The AME agrees to these terms and conditions when they book an appointment, either directly online or when AMCUK books it on the AME’s behalf.
11. AMCUK reserves the right the change these terms and conditions without notice and will communicate any changes without prejudice to the AME.
12. This contact will be governed by and is construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
13. By signing this contract, the AME confirms that they have read, understood and accept these terms and conditions.